Jobs Require Many Different Skills And Sometimes They Overlap
Knowing how to use a particular software program effects your ability to find work but as technology is becoming much more accepted and used many office clerical staff find their work involves using many different parts of different software programs.
Some office administration staff in digitally savvy business may be involved in administration, accounting and even marketing tasks performed by the business. The smaller the organisation the wider the range of skills required while larger companies tend to have very specific job descriptions for each staff member.
After Completing a Course, What Job Outcomes Can You Expect?
IF YOU’RE LOOKING for full-time, part-time or casual work in the accounts department of most businesses you’ll need to be proficient in software like MYOB, XERO and Excel.
These job roles tend to fall into the categories of:
Office productivity
Communications and scheduling
Using accounting software
Each job category serves a different function within a business, yet all are equally valuable.
Our training courses have helped thousands of people upskill and gain better paid employment.
You need to be confident communicating (usually written and oral) with different types of customers and stake holders, completing tasks to deadlines, working with procedures, and of course, working with numbers.
Our online training courses are structured with employment outcomes in mind.
Office Support, Office Admin and Business Administration Jobs
Reception and Customer Service
Sometimes your role might involve qualifying prospective customers to find out exactly which product or service they need. In this scenario your manager should provide a list of questions and what an ideal client looks like.
You need to know what is on your business website so that you can direct customers to relevant pages to answer their questions. Understanding the current promotions, explain what the business does and who to refer prospects and clients to is a very important aspect of this role.
As the first point of contact there is some key business information you must know.
Data entry and Office Support jobs are available in most businesses with 3 staff or higher. Office administration keeps track of the records and information relating to the products and services supplied by a business to their customers.
The work involves helping to co-ordinate and support the administration side of work performed by different staff members as well as the filing, customer service and basic reporting for the business owner.
An office administrator (sometimes called an office manager) ensures that all the administrative activities within an organisation are running efficiently, sometimes by overseeing and supervising other employees within the business.
The office administrator may oversee and be responsible for the management of human resources, budgets and business or financial records.
These responsibilities will differ depending on the employer and education level of the office administrator.
Accounts receivable and payable officers perform two very different, yet important, functions in a business; rarely, are the two roles performed by the same person.
Accounts receivable officers manage the payments coming into a business — invoices, sales receipts, customer payments; while the accounts payable officer is responsible for all outgoing payments — payments to suppliers and vendors and all other outgoing expenses.
Companies with many employees will have their own Human Resources (HR) Department and a dedicated Payroll Administration Officer who will be responsible for the delivery of employment awards for each of their staff.
While tasks like hiring, managing and firing staff is the role of the HR Manager, the payroll administration officer will be responsible for the correct payment of staff wages, entitlements, super and benefits.
Business administration involve tasks associated with implementing company initiatives and liaising between management and support staff – these roles can include customer service too.
Business administration ensures that all the administrative activities within an organisation are running efficiently, sometimes by overseeing and supervising other employees within the business to ensure that they follow corporate or management expectations.
A remote contractor is also called a Virtual Assistant and performs a number of tasks for businesses online. To become a remote contractor you need to possess most of the skills listed above to gain the respect and confidence of most employers and although you might be able to do this work as an employee most smaller businesses like to hire a contractor for the flexibility.
As a contractor you run your own business and although there are challenges to running a businesses there are many more benefits to anyone who masters business ownership. Best of all these days you can be a remote contractor and perform all of your work from home!
We look at what kind of courses you need to do to get the following kinds of jobs in the accounting and finance industry. Jobs associated with proficiency in MYOB tend to be earning upward of $60,000 per year in Australia.
For more information about how EzyLearn continues to help freelancers, parents and other savvy people work from home and telework, see Paid Work at Your Own Home or read about how we can help you become a certified bookkeeper
Online Study Tools to Achieve Results
Online Short Courses give you a large range of education which can be applied in the real world that you can learn by yourself (or with a buddy) from the office, home or even at a cafe. This flexibility enables you to start right now and learn at your own pace and not at the pace of the slowest person in a classroom.
To help you set, manage and achieve your job and career goals we include several resources including a Study Planner Template.
Career Success Program
The topics in our Career Academy Success Program are designed to help you understand how your values matter, how your experience outside of the workforce can be applied to your profession, and the secrets behind what employers are really looking for.
We teach you how to discover your passion and then set about planning for and achieving success in your chosen career path or profession. Learn more about the Career Academy Success Program
Before enrolling, check out our Specials page for discounts
Although digital marketing is a subset of the full marketing function it has become the centre of attention for most businesses. The measurable cost per action and ability to reach a specific target market has made digital marketing skills some of the most sought after in many organisations.
Marketing managers with tertiary or industry experience will define the marketing strategy of a business and then allocate tasks to digital marketing coordinators and support staff. Much of the grunt work involves creating content which is used in different channels including
written words (blog, email broadcasts, landing pages and social media),
images (blog posts and social media), and
video (Youtube and Facebook)
Digital Marketing Interns and Junior Support Staff
At the core of the marketing function are the 4 P’s (Price, Product, Promotion, and Place). To stand out from competitors businesses make decisions about their strengths and weakness and identify their ideal clients. They create a marketing message and get that message out to their ideal customers where ever they are.
Alongside all of these marketing activities, competitors are performing similar tasks to attract the attention of the same or similar clients. That’s why companies offer price matching, discounts if you find a better price, longer warranties etc. Tasks often performed by a digital marketing intern are centred around this competitive research and analysis and helps the marketing manager or coordinator keep abreast of what the “market” is doing.
Marketing Assistants support the marketing department by handling the administrative and clerical duties so you must have good communications, presentation, time management and analytical skills. Your understanding of the market will help you contribute to the refinement and optimisation of success metrics for the organisation.
Did you know that you can purchase the training workbooks in our courses separately?
Click the button below to see all the available training workbook. These workbooks contain step-by-step tasks that you can replicate using the software.
These training manuals aren’t for dummies or idiots, they’re for people who want the skills to find an accounts job or do a better job where they’re currently employed. They’re also for business owners!
Instant download and printable you can keep them as a resource forever and have a resource for your staff to use when they need it.
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