Instructor and Tutor Video Lessons

Since 1996 EzyLearn has helps people use computer and Internet software to be productive and employable. We create our own training materials and we consult with industry practitioners and business owners to provide real world learning stories.
Instructor Videos

Instructor video tutorials are an important part of every course because the majority of students are visual learners. These educational videos demonstrate how to perform tasks using the software for your work and enable you to replicate it yourself.
The instructors video tutorials are created AFTER we create the training course manuals and workbooks so they flow in a logical order that we call a Learning Journey. The instructions build from basic to more advanced skills and reinforce topics that students have already gone through.
The main benefit of the video tutorials is that you can play them over and over as often as you need without slowing down any other students. You can truly learn at your own pace.
The Instructors screen recordings get straight to the point about how to use the software rather than talking head videos that waffling on about bookkeeping and office admin!
Check out our FREE training samples yourself.
You can access free training material on Microsoft Word and Excel, Xero, MYOB and basic bookkeeping as well as digital marketing.
Our free training course samples includes training video tutorials, training manuals and workbooks and even exercise files so you can practice.
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COMPLETE Software Training Courses
Enrol into the COMPLETE courses with LIFETIME course access and support using the enrolment form on this page.
Individual Training Courses
Enrol into separate beginners or advanced certificate courses at our course catalogue website.

Training Manuals and Workbooks

Buy the Training Course manuals separately and work through them and the practical case studies at your own pace. These are downloaded in a PDF format and yours to keep forever.