Water Filter and Office Water Cooler Business Case Study

Freshflow water filter systems and office water coolers Microsoft Office Word & Excel Training Course Case Study

Master Microsoft Office Skills using real world examples

Freshflow water filter systems and office water coolers Microsoft Office Word & Excel Training Course Case Study

The water filter and office cooler case study is a real world case study to learn how to use Microsoft Office applications in various aspects of the sales and marketing, administration and record keeping for a business.

The case studies include step by steps tasks to help you replicate these files as well as copies of each of the files at various stages of creation so you can explore each of them and the differences.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Training Course

Freshflow office water filter and cooler systems - Microsoft Office Word & Excel Training Course Case Study

In PowerPoint we create a presentation about the benefits and cost savings by using a filter cooler instead of buying bottled water. It is laid out logically with graphic images and dynamic graphs which demonstrate costs and savings.

Bottled water is one way to have clean and fresh water in the office for your staff as well as customers but it’s not the only way. Water filter coolers take tap water, filter it and provide a chilled water alternative without some of the hassles of bottled water.

Office water filter coolers can include types where you fill a bottle which is placed on top of a water cooler that chills the water or can involved plumbed in water filtration and cooling systems. The Microsoft PowerPoint training course includes a presentation that breaks down the benefits in features and pricing for using a filtered cooler system compared to a bottled water system.

The biggest cost savings comes from a low cost per filter cartridge change compared to buying, storing and lifting bottles of water every day.

The logical flow of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations enables you to present information in a logical order that highlights features that customers agree with as well as pain points which can be alleviated using a filtered water solution.

At the end of any presentation you need to highlight the features and cost saving benefits so customers understand the total cost of ownership and feature benefits.


Microsoft Office Excel Training Course

We use Microsoft Excel to create a detailed price list showing the cost price, markup and margins and retail prices. This price list contains fields which can change and automatically update the prices as well as hidden columns so they can be printed and given to customers as a retail price list.

Water Filter Cartridge Price List

The most important part of a water filtration or office water cooler system are the water filter cartridges. These cartridges filter all the water for different impurities and become less effective over time so they need to be replaced.

Freshflow water filter replacement cartridges for home water filter systems and office water coolers display - Microsoft Office Training Course Case Study

Although there is no exact time to replace water filter cartridges they should be changed at least every year. Freshflow supplies a range of filter cartridges for countertop water filter systems and under sink filtration system for both residential (home) and offices.

Pre filters accumulate sediment and dirt while chemical filters (commonly called post filters) become less effective over time.

The Microsoft Office Excel Training Course provides examples of the water filter cartridge pricelist, including wholesale prices, margin and mark ups and retail pricing. You’ll learn how to hide columns containing sensitive information while also creating a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing confidential wholesale pricing information to be able to create a pricelist that you can print and give to customers.

Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program that enables you to create tables and databases as well as perform calculations and create visualisations in graphical formats that are easy to understand.


Microsoft Office Word Training Course

In Microsoft Word we explore mail merges that can be used to send filter cartridge replacement letters to customers. It is also used to create flyers and menus for local businesses as well as long form and complex proposals, quotes, information memorandums and other documents.

Reminders and Servicing

Freshflow water filter systems and office water coolers Sydney's Northern Beaches deliveries Microsoft Office Word & Excel Training Course Case StudyWater filter and office water cooler rental companies earn their income from the initial sale of equipment and the supply of regular filter cartridge replacement and servicing.

Office water cooler rentals provides the business with a regular rental income while the supply and replacement of filter cartridges provides a higher return and maintains quality for customers.

Professional water filter and water cooler companies maintain a database of customers which includes the type of system installed as well as the replacement filter cartridges and when they should be replaced. Residential customers can replace water filter cartridge themselves or with the help of a handy man or local plumber while office water coolers can be maintained by the water cooler company for a commercially viable fee.

Mail merging between a Microsoft Excel database and Microsoft Word form letter enables the water filter company to send timely reminders and order forms to customers when their filter cartridges are due to be replaced.