Real Estate Agents

Find a great real estate agent in Bonnells Bay, Morisset and Cooranbong to sell your propertyReal estate agents perform an important role as representatives of the “vendors” who are selling their homes. These transactions are huge and they don’t happen that often so its easier for most people to use someone who has experience.

Many people think that real estate agents spend most of their time receiving calls from interested buyers who want to inspect a property and then negotiate on price but the real work an agent does is trying to find sellers.

The process of finding sellers is painstaking and often fruitless, particularly for someone starting out. Real estate agents find clients in different ways but rarely are property owners ready to sell when they first meet an agent – it could be months or years before they get serious about selling so real estate agents need to remain front of mind.

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Real estate agents were once found in shops on the main shopping strip in most suburbs and although this is still common, many more agents are working independently under their own brands and operating from their own home.

The internet and digital marketing has enabled independent real estate agents to get discovered easier by property owners who are ready to sell and agents can also manage much of the details and process online too. Real estate agents are in the sales and marketing field and when they operate their own business their success relies on good, long term marketing.

Selling Your Property is a website dedicated to helping property owners understand the tasks and process involved in selling a property so they can confidently choose the best real estate agent for them or even do it all themselves.


Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents

Microsoft Forms Online Training Course - Official logo wide - EzyLearn Microsoft Office and Excel Training is a lead generation site for real estate agents and it uses an online form to capture leads, pre qualify them according to their objectives and send that information to a real estate agent.

Online forms reduce data entry for business owners and office admin staff while also ensuring that the correct information is entered. They are located online so they can be accessed by many people at the same time even if they are located in different places, physically.

Online Form generators enable information to be organised according to each different situation and they also help to automate different parts of the business operations. Microsoft Forms is a form generator and management system that is easily available to most businesses and our case study will teach you how to use it effectively.

See the details and enrol into the Microsoft Forms Course


Where are these real estate agent case studies used

This case study is in a number of courses, including

  • Microsoft Word Training Course that teaches students how to create a professional brochure
  • Microsoft Forms Course to create an online form to capture leads of interested sellers.
  • Xero Advanced Certificate Course (cashflow, budgets and forecasts), business owner Jerry explores becoming a real estate agent.